10 Most Useful Life Tips I Found in 2023

Useful Life Tips

Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, and along the way, we all seek guidance to navigate it successfully. As we step into the year 2023, it's the perfect time to reflect on some of the most valuable life tips that can help us make the most of our days. These tips aren't just random pieces of advice; they are the result of careful observation and personal experiences. So, let's delve into the 10 most useful life tips I've discovered this year.

1. Invest in Long-Term Possessions

Useful Life Tips

Anything you use for 1,000+ hours is worth spending good money on: mattress, pillow, shoes, office chair, phone. You'll thank yourself later."_

In a world where everything seems disposable, it's essential to remember the value of long-term possessions. Items that you use daily, such as your mattress, pillow, shoes, office chair, or phone, play a significant role in your comfort and well-being. Invest in quality for these items, and you'll reap the benefits of durability and enhanced experiences.

2. Practice "Positive Gossip"

Useful Life Tips

Make a habit of praising people when they're not around. This is one of the fastest ways to foster a positive work/social environment."_

Gossip doesn't always have to be negative. In fact, practicing positive gossip can be a powerful tool for building strong relationships. When you praise someone behind their back, it creates a culture of positivity and trust, both in your workplace and social circles.

3. Watch Stand-up Comedy

Useful Life Tips

Want to be funnier? Surround yourself with funny people. Spend 30 minutes each day watching/listening to comedy, and you'll start to understand the art of making people laugh."

Laughter is a universal language that can bring joy and reduce stress. To improve your sense of humor, immerse yourself in stand-up comedy. Watching or listening to comedic performances regularly can help you learn the subtleties of humor and make your interactions with others more enjoyable.

4. "Watering Holes" to Build Habits

Useful Life Tips

Want to start a habit? Set it up at a place you congregate daily (work desk, nightstand, kitchen table) - your 'watering holes.' For example, if you want to take a multivitamin daily, don't hide them in a cupboard - instead, put them on top of the coffee maker you use every day."_

Creating new habits can be challenging, but you can make it easier by strategically placing reminders in your daily path. Designate specific locations as your "watering holes" for forming habits, ensuring you won't forget them in the hustle and bustle of daily life.

5. The "Personal User Manual"

Useful Life Tips

Write a brief document outlining how people can best work with you (communication preferences, work style, strengths and weaknesses, etc). Being easy to work with is an underrated skill."_

Effective communication is key to successful relationships, whether personal or professional. Crafting a "Personal User Manual" that outlines your communication preferences, work style, strengths, and weaknesses can help others understand you better, fostering smoother collaborations.

6. Use "Inversion Thinking"

Useful Life Tips

All I want to know is where I'm going to die, so I'll never go there.' - Charlie Munger. Rather than focus on the actions required for success, consider what would lead to failure and avoid it. Minimizing stupidity will get you far in life."_

Inversion thinking is a powerful mental model. Instead of obsessing over what to do for success, identify what might lead to failure and actively avoid those pitfalls. This approach can lead to more informed and successful decision-making.

7. HALT Method for Decisions

Useful Life Tips

Before making an important decision, ask: 'Am I hungry, angry, lonely, or tired?' If you answer 'yes' to any of them, address it before making your decision."_

Our emotional state can significantly impact our choices. The HALT method encourages self-awareness before making important decisions. If you're feeling hungry, angry, lonely, or tired (HALT), addressing these needs first can lead to more rational and balanced choices.

8. The "Next Morning" Rule

Useful Life Tips

When someone invites you to do something at a future time, ask yourself: 'Would I do this if it was tomorrow morning?' - Kevin Kelly._

Sometimes, we agree to future commitments without considering their impact. The "Next Morning" Rule prompts you to evaluate your willingness to commit by imagining the event happening tomorrow morning. This can help you make more intentional choices about how you spend your time.

9. Use "Pattern Interrupt" Questions

Useful Life Tips

Autopilot questions like 'How are you?' lead to autopilot responses like 'Good, thanks.' If you want better connections, ask better questions. For example, 'What are you excited about right now?' or 'What's the best thing that happened today?'"_

Meaningful connections often start with meaningful conversations. Rather than resorting to routine questions, try asking open-ended and engaging ones. These "Pattern Interrupt" questions can lead to more genuine and fulfilling interactions.

10. Tips to Make Healthy Eating Easy

  • Invest in some good hot sauce.
  • Dark chocolate (85%+) is an amazing snack.
  • Sparkling water is a great replacement for soda.
  • Eat lots of fruit (nourishing and hydrating).
  • Never shop when you're hungry.

Healthy eating is a cornerstone of a vibrant life. These practical tips can make adopting a healthier diet more manageable and enjoyable.


In conclusion, life is a continuous journey of learning and growth. These 10 life tips for 2023 can serve as your compass, guiding you towards a more fulfilling and enjoyable life. Whether it's investing wisely, fostering positive relationships, or making healthier choices, these tips can help you navigate the complexities of life with greater ease and wisdom.


How can I make my life better in 2023 ?

Improving your life in 2023 and beyond involves a combination of personal growth, productivity, and overall well-being. Here are some tips and life hacks to help you make your life better in 2023:

1. Set Clear Goals

Define your goals for the year, both short-term and long-term. Having clear objectives will give you direction and motivation.

2. Create a Routine

 Establish a daily or weekly routine that includes time for work, leisure, exercise, and self-care. Consistency can improve your productivity and overall well-being.

3. Prioritize Health

Focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. Small changes in your daily habits can lead to significant improvements in your physical and mental health.

4. Learn Continuously

 Make a commitment to lifelong learning. Whether it's acquiring new skills, reading books, or taking online courses, learning keeps your mind engaged and can open up new opportunities.

5. Financial Planning

Create a budget, save money, and invest wisely. Financial stability can reduce stress and give you more freedom to pursue your goals.

6. Declutter

 Regularly declutter your physical space and digital life. A clean and organized environment can improve focus and reduce stress.

7. Time Management

 Use time management techniques like the Pomodoro technique, to-do lists, or time blocking to enhance productivity.

8. Networking

 Build and maintain a strong network of friends, mentors, and colleagues. Networking can provide support, opportunities, and valuable insights.

9. Practice Mindfulness

 Incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine to reduce stress and increase emotional well-being.

10. Limit Screen Time

Be mindful of your screen time, especially on social media. Reducing unnecessary digital distractions can free up time for more meaningful activities.

11. Stay Positive

Cultivate a positive mindset and practice gratitude. Focusing on the positive aspects of life can lead to a happier and more fulfilling existence.

What are some life hacks for students?

1. Effective Note-Taking

Use techniques like the Cornell Method or digital note-taking apps to organize and retain information from classes and lectures.

2. Study Groups

 Form or join study groups to collaborate with classmates and share knowledge and study resources.

3. Time Management

 Use time management apps and techniques to schedule study sessions, meetings, and assignments effectively.

4. Healthy Snacks

Keep healthy snacks on hand to fuel your brain during study sessions.

5. Online Resources

Utilize online resources like Khan Academy, Coursera, and edX for supplementary learning.

6. Flashcards

Create digital or physical flashcards to help memorize key information.

7. Task Lists

Use to-do lists or task management apps to stay organized and on top of assignments and deadlines.

8. Textbook Alternatives

Look for free or affordable textbook alternatives, such as open-source textbooks or online resources.

What is a simple life hack?

A simple life hack is a straightforward and effective trick or method that can make your daily tasks or routines easier or more efficient. Here's an example:

Life Hack

Use a binder clip to organize and manage your cables and cords on your desk. Simply clip the binder clip onto the edge of your desk and thread your cables through the metal handles. This prevents them from tangling and keeps your workspace neat and tidy.

Remember that the key to improving your life is consistency and persistence. Small changes and life hacks can add up to significant improvements over time. Experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you and adapt them to your specific goals and circumstances.
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